Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 3, 2009

Simple. Effective. Successful. Text link advertising with

Successfully linked with teliad
teliad is the marketplace that makes the purchase and sale of text links simple. Text link advertising with direct HTML links is an effective form of online advertising that is becoming more and more popular. The text links take the form of text advertisements containing descriptive information and are predominantly placed in the editorial environment of a website. Especially our innovative products, Content-Links and InLinks, methodically target the valuable content area of a webpage, since text links in the content are classified as more important for search engine relevance.

Text link advertisements specifically increase the number of visitors to a website and at the same time raise the relevance for search engines. The only form of online advertising that can do both. As opposed to other forms of advertising, such as sponsored links, you benefit with static links in complete independence of click rates or page views.
Success is measurable
Text link buyers can choose from more than 75,000 text link places on 15,000 URLs and 7,000 domains offered in our marketplace. The text link offers are subdivided in a catalogue into over 35 different categories, such as shopping, travel, health or finance. The marketplace is internationally successful: teliad can now be reached in 5 languages. Text links in many different languages are offered in the international marketplace.

We are the leading German marketplace for text links. For good reason: we make it easy for you to earn money with text links.

Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 3, 2009

22 immutable laws of Marketing in

1. Guidelines on top.
Product is the first time also have advantages over products better

2. Guidelines on type.

If you can not is the product of a first type, change the nature of that type, or create a new category that you can be the first product.

3. Guidelines ladder.
Strategies you will apply depending on the stair some things that you are using.

4. Principle of dual.
In the long run, all the rival will then only two remaining horses.

5. Principles of thinking and awareness.
Marketing is not a battle of products, it is a battle of perceptions of customers, and sometimes makes up the awareness of the client before creating more advantages than penetrated the market first.

6. The principle of focus.

Concepts have the highest impact in marketing a property is in thinking of potential customers.

7. The principle of expansion.

Expand the brand is usually a pressure can not be intensified.

8. Guidelines and the unique superiority

Own position of superiority in the thinking of customers as vital elements, marketing is a continuous effort in the search of unique.

9. Principles of **** division.

Over time, a product will **** and divided into two (or more) category.

10. Principles of the heart.

Strategies without the emotions will have no effect.

11. Principles characteristic of

When you have to focus on product features, any aspect which has one of the characteristics and performance.

12. Guidelines on the real thà

When you accept a Nhược points, potential customers will give you an advantage

13. The principle of sacrifice.

To be one you have to reject one another.

14. Principles of success.

Success often leads to the haughty, arrogant and failed to

15. Principles of failure

Failure is to be expected and accepted

16. Principles of factors can not anticipating ago.

Unless you are prepared the plans of the competitors, you can not know what will happen in the future.

17. Principles of strength điệu

Real situation often contrary to what appears on the report.

18. Principles of family

The success is often based on a best time that based on trends

19. Principles of scenario.

Marketing effects usually occur and last

20. Principles of the antipodal

If you target the second, your strategy by top decision

21. Principles of origin.

Made in the brand name usually more important than quality

22. Principles of natural resources.

Not have sufficient budget resources and knowledge necessary expertise, ideas can not become reality and brand name can not be created.

Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 3, 2009

Seo blog wordpress: Robots.txt Plugin seo blog for search engines

This plugin helps you to create and manage a robots.txt file.

Robots.txt file can have a great influence on SEO blog. By excluding “useless” (for search engines) files from crawling, you can increase your Wordpress blog’s traffic and search engine rankings

An example of SEO optimized robots.txt file (should work on most blogs… just edit the sitemap URL):

User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Disallow: /wp-includes/
Disallow: /wp-content/

User-Agent: Mediapartners-Google
Allow: /

User-Agent: Adsbot-Google
Allow: /

User-Agent: Googlebot-Image
Allow: /

User-Agent: Googlebot-Mobile
Allow: /


When robots (like the Googlebot) crawl your site, they begin by requesting and checking it for special instructions. Use this plugin to create and edit your robots.txt file from within Wordpress (using Options -> Robots.txt).

Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 3, 2009


With two previous Marketing Blog version 1.0 and version 2.0 is you can have a total number of page view is quite attractive to meet a number of beautiful grass, it is more of the work you do. You have to be a list of the blog's Commen Wealth of Vietnam 360, is no longer matches her friends sitting alone crying in the corner khuất again.

Perhaps now the total number of page view it is not so important as when you view the lower instead what you want is what I assert by yourself or another way to build a brand for your blog. For every time someone mentioned your blog, they will be content to your blog with a topic which is do.Sau the supplement to the blog you can HOT and have a brand for your blog.


1) Avatar on Top.

Some people think that is why your friendlist Ava has friends on the avatar and friends at the above does not. After a period of research and germ mò final answer is Godfarther recreate the original is based on the update of the blog owner.

Islamic sure the top of the friendlist you will always see your blog's avatar is always in the top of the friendlist and each time you press the Home of your blog you will always see your blog at first. So that you always update your blog with the review, a review will be considered as a new blog and your blog immediately raised will be No.1 in the top right friendlist. Now and in godfarther Top 100 Reviewer best of my quite long already.

But if you write a review lười you just press the button save blast again is also calculated as 1 and review the blog you will top position ngay.Nhu so attractive to the avatar who surf through the blogs you opportunities click on the blog you will be up a lot, help increase visitors visit your blog.

Strategy 2.Spam Comments:

Yes as written in the Marketing version 1.0, the spam comments that the decision to the famous fast or slow by the blog ban.Cac you go quick comments in many blogs is to increase opportunities for many people visit blog, but you should focus your spam blogs where the comments are not too quick not fast is very tired.

Monday not have any new blog is also so many spam messages when you blog that unfinished business to spam people to read will find chán less impressive for the blog you like and brand your blog will become so chán with exclusive gia.Vay when that blog you feel outward or spam to anyone to read when they will be impressive and memorable about your blog, through which your brand is going.

3.Public Relation:

This is hard because to be referred to the press or to other blogs and referred to the ad on your blog, you really have to have any actual blog or to copy them and cited the blog as They promote your blog to other people.

As I personally want the blog to others or to have a copy of the writing category 3:

* Dí Hài Convention dom: Yes xì teen how this important
* Mushy romance
L * Enter the Comment xao.

And when you have an article or the then you should spam a lot on the blog to report to create the natural balance luan.Tat way through relationships friends shrine as serial Andre wrote but it really is not effective for work in practice.

4.Message Strategy:

When you have a large blog you friendlist in the notice to them if you have any message or by one method is fast and convenient by blog.Luon always remember that any actual or calculated and share high outward message message to friends.

Monday is when the log message you must turn off the friends list to your recipients do not see what your friendlist and they list that the spam message to your ban.Nhu This is affecting brand blog you will be listed on spam blog and immediately after you receive this message when vulnerable del now.

Unfortunately this feature has broken its 2 months ago and not the message you will receive your feedback.

5.Joining Group: Pooling ideas:

Group is also creating a shrine to serial and create a brand for the group as well as fish nhan.Cai benefits of creating a group you can learn, together creative ideas that are new to viet.No also part create pressure for you to write or hon.Va a more important when you are all ideas that you think the blog is still known through brand groups and people will still visit.

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 3, 2009

10 Ways To Optimize Blog Traffic

This is a list any beginning blogger will find useful. It is mainly for wordpress users, this will definitly help boost traffic, and optimize your wordpress setup for the greatest visibility for search engines. You can also check out my previous articles similar to this topic, which lists some of the Best SEO Plugins for Wordpress.

  1. Permalink Structure
    This is a great way to get better visibility from search engines, instead of having a site url of “″, it would rather be “”. To change your permalink structure you need to login to your Wordpress admin panel, then go to Options > Permalinks
  2. Keywords In Content
    Using keywords in your post title is important, but you also need to use keywords throughout your post. Concentrate on the first paragraph then use variations of your main keyword throughout the rest of your post.
  3. Header Tags
    The header tags are used when assigning a title, typically within a post. These title tags are have a numerical value associated with them that also indicates their importance, ie. <> is used for your most important header, <> would be used for a sub title etc. Place the same keywords as used in your post title in the <> tag then use variations of your keywords in <> / <>tags for optimum effect.
  4. Install the Meta tag description and UTW plugins
    Head META Description - Optimizes the meta description for search engines to index your site properly.
    Ultimate Tag Warrior - Makes it easier by searching through the tags you made for the posts.
  5. Related Posts
    When a person visits your blog you want them to stay for as long as you can. One of the best ways to keep visitors interested is to show them other content on your blog that may be related to the post they are currently reading. The easiest way to do this is with the ‘Related Posts‘ plugin. Upload using your FTP client into the wp-content > plugins folder, then login to your Wordpress admin panel and activate the plugin from the ‘Plugins’ page.
  6. Use Sitemaps
    To get the most traffic from search engines like Google it is best to get as many of your pages indexed as possible. Make it easier by installing the Google Sitemaps plugin. Upload into wp-content > plugins via FTP and then activate from the Plugins page. This will then create an XML file that Googlebot can spider and then find all your content. You’ll need a Sitemaps account though where you can register your new Sitemap.
  7. Use proper HTML Tags
    Using “Alt” tags on your images and “Title” tags not only helps your search engine rankings, but it also helps disabled people with screen readers view the content on your site. It also can help your page be valid HTML (another thing that can help your SE ranking). I recommend simply describing the link/image and not trying to cram tons of keywords to boost your ranking. For more information on doing this, visit W3C’s site and look up the tag for the version of HTML/XHTML used on your site (if you want it to be valid).
  8. Build Backlinks
    To get more traffic you need backlinks. Ideally other blogs will like what you write and link to you, but if you are just starting out and need a little exposure then submit your blog Other ways to get backlinks is via commenting on other blogs and using trackbacks.
  9. Ping Other Sites Automatically when you Update your Blog
    Pinging other sites allows other sites to get updates from your blog much sooner and automatically when you make a new post. To have your blog update other sites when you update it, login to your Wordpress admin area, select Options > Writing and copy and paste the links below, under “Update Services”
  10. Spread the Word
    While it may not seem like much, telling people you know can help you build a site. People you know can offer advice on design, topics, etc. and let people they know about your site. People who know you are also far more likely to comment on your postings, making your site look more active, thereby encouraging others to do the same. If you choose to do this step, ask the person to tell 3 other people they know about your site. This will in effect create a small network of people reading and commenting on your site. Plus, if they really like your site they’ll continue to tell others about it.

25 Tips To Optimize Your Blog For Readers & Search Engines

Everyone and their dog (yes, there are a few dogs out there with their own blogs) have started up a blog these days, but many people just aren’t taking the steps needed to optimize their blogs for both readers and search engines. While blogs can be business related (another blog about mesothelioma anyone?) they can also be personal where you talk about the great ham sandwich you had for lunch today or the crappy service you had at that trendy restaurant last night.

But whether your blog is business or personal, you should ensure that you are optimizing your blog for both your readers (after all, you want to keep those readers coming back) and the search engines. Unfortunately, optimization is an important step that far too many blogs seem to be skipping over, even those that have a broad appeal to surfers and have the potential to be monetizable.

However, optimizing a blog is a bit different than your standard website search engine optimization (SEO), particularly because most blogs run off standard blog platforms, or worse, run as a hosted blog on someone else’s domain name. And there are design issues that can be unique to blogs which can impact your rankings.

Let’s face it, when you commission a styling’ new blog template, most blog designers focus on making your blog look the way you want it to. But unfortunately for bloggers, not very many of those great blog designers are also SEOs by trade, meaning that the blog design you use could actually be hurting your search engine rankings. While you may have a great design that looks wonderful to readers, new readers might not find you if your blog isn’t ranking well organically in the search engines.

Also, when you optimize your blog for the user experience, you make it easy for users to return and engage in your blog without dealing with any of the hassles that can cause them to abandon other sites or blog entries. Repeat visitors are the cream of your blog, so by following these tips you have given them the tools they need to return as well as the user experience that makes them want to come back.

Fortunately, if you are on the case to make your blog rank well while not hindering your visitor’s experience on your site, there are definitely things you can check - and fix - to prevent any indexing issues from occurring, and ensuring your blog a happy and healthy existence in the search engines.

So here is advice on how you can optimize that blog of yours for both users and search engines without alienating one or the other.

1) Dump The Default Template - Looks Count!
I cringe when I see a blog using the “out of the box” Wordpress or MovableType template. Hire a designer to create a unique look for your blog, or at the very least, take advantage of some of the free templates available and customize it a bit with a unique logo or a slight color upgrade.

2) Just Say No To Bad Color Schemes
While a hot pink with lime green color scheme might be your favorite, consider what your readers will be expecting. That color scheme might work perfectly on a teenage gossip site, but would look extremely out of place as the corporate blog for a men’s suit company. Likewise, gamers would think nothing of a black background on an Xbox 360 blog, but it would look horrendous on a parenting or pregnancy site. So while you should experiment with colors to find a good mix for your blog, keep in mind user experience and their expectations.

3) RSS Me!
Make sure you have RSS available. Many hosted blogging solutions don’t have RSS automatically available, so you will need to add it. And when you do add it, ensure you have those RSS links in an obvious spot. Don’t tuck them away at the very bottom of your index page after your most recent 20 entries, or hide them on a separate “About Us” page. Place all those handy subscribe links in your sidebar, which is exactly where people will look for them. If you use Feedburner currently, have a look at their new MyBrand option which allows you to host your own feeds for a seamless user experience.

4) Offer RSS & Feed Subscription Buttons
Yes, when people want to subscribe to a blog, they will often look for that orange RSS logo as well as the logos of the standard aggregators such as Bloglines. So it is worth the time to add the most popular ones to your blog so visitors can easily do their one-click subscriptions to your feed without it require much effort on their part. If you make it hard to subscribe, most just won’t bother. FeedButton offers a service that allows you to offer multiple RSS aggregator and feed reader buttons with a single expanding rollover button.

5) Offer Posts Via Email
Some people just don’t get RSS. So cater to them by offering them an option to get your blog posts by email instead. The most popular service to do this automatically is FeedBlitz, although there are also many other tools available to do this.

6) Decide On Full Or Partial Feeds
Do you offer full feeds or partial feeds? This is a personal preference, and is often dependent on what market space you are blogging in. One option is to offer two feeds, one being an ad-supported full feed, with an RSS ad included, and the other being an ad-free snippet copy of the feed, where readers won’t see ads but will have to actually view your blog in order to read your full entry. But this will often come down to personal preference, and the preferences of your readers.

7) Write Compelling Snippets/Descriptions
If you do use snippets for your RSS feed, be sure to make them compelling or leave readers with a cliffhanger to encourage them to click and read the full entry. This will get you many more readers to your entries than just using the default option of including the first X number of words in the blog post as the snippet. Use your excerpts to generate interest and clicks.

8) Pay Attention to How You Write.
One of my favorite bloggers has the unfortunate habit of writing detailed long entries… without a single paragraph break and with the double whammy of also writing with a font size smaller than usual. If I look up for a moment, it is hard to find my place again in her 1000 word entries. As a result, I don’t read it as often as I would like to, simply because reading it is such a painful experience.

9) Spelling Counts
Spelling is also worth mentioning. Add one of the many spell checkers to your internet browser and run a quick spell check before you publish your entry. Every word doesn’t have to be perfect, and I am certainly guilty myself of letting on occasional typo slip through unnoticed. But I also get annoyed when I am reading typo after typo after typo in an entry. And yes, if it happens enough, I will unsubscribe out of sheer frustration.

10) Fontography Counts
Make the font easy to read. Some bloggers think it is cool to have their handwriting turned into a customized font, or use a trendy font that would be better suited to a scrapbook layout. But not everyone has those wild and weird fonts installed, which means that those people will see a standard font such as Times New Roman, and it can really kill the look of your blog. So instead design the text of your blog entries to use a standard font in a standard size.

11) Don’t Forget Navigation
Is this blog part of a larger site, such as a corporate blog on a site for a major company? Don’t just link to the main page of the blog. Syndicate your recent headlines in the sidebar to encourage visitors on the main site to check out the blog too.

12) How Fast is Your Host?
Another one of my favorite blogs has such a slow response time when I click from the snippet in my RSS to the full blog entry that I only actually end up waiting around for it to load about 10% of the time. Don’t lose readers because your hosting company thinks 30 seconds is a perfectly reasonable amount of time to load up a page.

13) Avoid Widget Overload!
Yes, there are definitely some cool widgets you can add to your blog, such as MyBlogLog or a Flickr photo box tied to your photo gallery. But be aware that having a large number of javascripts can slow down your site. So don’t sacrifice timely loading time for nice-but-not-all-that-necessary widgets.

14) Have Descriptive Titles
Some blog software actually makes your entry titles seem pretty repetitious in the search engine result pages, and can result in a lower click through than you might have had otherwise with highly optimized titles. If your title’s say something like “Jason’s Tech Industry Rants & Ramblings Blog >> New Xbox 360 title announced for April release” you should change it to “New Xbox 360 title announced for April release”. Unless you are well known as an authority blog in that market, the blog name is simply wasting crucial space at the beginning of the title tag and causing the rest of the entry title to end up getting truncated in the search results. And make sure your titles actually enhance the entry and don’t leave the reader wondering what on earth the blog entry could be about. Ensuring you have great titles when you have a small readership and are depending on search engines to send you readers is one of the first steps you should take to optimize your blog.

15) Look at your Cascading Style Sheets.
Most blogs use a tremendous amount of CSS to create that custom look. And while most of the “out of the box” designs that come standard with the installed template include all CSS in an external file, there definitely are some blog designers who will put their CSS on the individual template pages rather than placing it all in an external CSS file. And when you don’t place CSS in an external file, it can clutter up your pages and result in the most important part of the page - the entry text - being much further down in the HTML code when it has to go after the masses of CSS coding lines.

16) Post Often
The more frequently you post, the more likely Googlebot and other bots will stop by on a more regular basis. If you only post once in a blue moon, expect that it might take a while for Google to stop by and see that you actually have updated again. Google loves updated fresh sites, so it make sense to feed the bot what it wants.

17) Spread the Link Love
If you are blogging about a story, link up the original story as well as other’s commentary on the same topic. When you do so, you will often make those bloggers aware of your blog’s existence (if they weren’t already) when people click from your blog to theirs. And it also increases the odds that they will either link to you on that story or on something you blog about in the future.

18) Be Aware of Your Anchor Text
When you link to someone’s blog entry, or even a previous blog entry on your own site, make sure you link well. This means instead of linking to someone’s blog entry with the anchor text “click here”, you link to them using anchor text related to the blog entry, such as “Jason’s scoop on the new Widget Xbox 360 game”.

19) Create Unique Stories
Bloggers love to link to other bloggers. When you write original blog entries, rather than just rehashing something someone else has already said, you increase the odds that someone will find yours interesting enough to link to and talk about. And a reader of that blogger’s blog might read the entry and decide to write something about what you said as well, meaning yet another link as well. And if you are fortunate, it will go viral, meaning suddenly it seems like every blogger in your market space is talking about what you wrote. Rinse and repeat as often as possible for maximum exposure and link juice.

20) Use a Related Posts Plugin
Not only does this make sense to keep readers around for other articles on your site that are related to your current post, but it also allows you to deeplink from a current page on your blog to older entries. Often, older entries get buried several pages deep on an archive page, and this allows you to showcase entries written months or years previously and give those “oldies but goodies” an extra little kick in the search engines. There are several related post plugins available depending on which blog platform you use.

21) Ping Other Sites
When you add a new blog entry, you might want to ping site such as Technorati and FeedBurner to let them know you have a brand new blog entry on your site. You can also now ping Google’s Blog Search as well for faster indexing in their blog search engine at Automatic pinging is an option in the control panel of most blog platforms including WordPress and MovableType. And Ping-o-Matic offers a service that allows you to quickly pick and chose what to ping.

22) Buy Your Own Domain Name
Don’t always think your free blog hosting company will be around forever. What will you do if you build up a loyal readership then one day you discover no longer works because has gone out of business? You want to make sure the search engines have a URL they will always find your blog at, rather than have to worry about them re-indexing your previously well-ranked blog on am entirely new domain… that is if you are lucky enough to get your blog posts from your free hosting company. Both Google’s Blogger & Wordpress allow you to use their hosted blog service while displaying it on your own domain instead of their own branded one.

NOTE: See also our related story, Stay Master Of Your Feed Domain.

23) Manage Your Trackback & Comment Spam
You don’t want Google or Yahoo to find masses of spammy links on your site to all manner of less-than-quality sites submitted to your blog by a blog spammer. Use one of the many tools on the market for your blog platform to manage both comment and trackback spam.

24) Use a Good URL Structure
Don’t use “permalinks” such as . Instead, use Most blogging platforms allow you to change from the standard numbered permalinks to this style of search engine friendly ones. And just in case the blog platform you use has funky dynamic URLs for each entry, you will want to ensure that the bots can crawl them easily or use a mod rewrite to create a good structure such as in the example.

25) Use Great Categories
When you write a post, place it in 1 to 3 different categories related to the post. For example, and article on the television show Grey’s Anatomy could go under “Grey’s Anatomy” and “ABC”. Avoid the temptation to add it to ten different categories though, such as including “drama,” “hospital,” “interns” and “Seattle” because that is just overkill. But if you wrote something great on Grey’s Anatomy, you have made it easy for your reader to find all your posts on Grey’s Anatomy because they simply have to click on the category link at the top or bottom of the entry.

While some bloggers insist that search engine rankings will come naturally to those who wait, who really wants to wait for Google? A blogger can run into several unique challenges when it comes to optimizing for search engines, and it makes sense to get the jump on it now than simply hoping that if you write it, the bots will come. It is far easier to ensure you have a well optimized blog now than trying to figure out what the issue is 6 months down the road when only your blog’s index page is found in Google!

Does anyone else have tips they would have put in their own top 25 list of blog optimization tips? I had some that didn’t make the cut for the top list, but am interested to hear what others feel are the most important tips.

5 Ways To Optimize Your Blog and Capture More Repeat Visitors

Miscellaneous Blog Tips 65 comments

Today Rich Page shares five tips on how to optimize websites to capture repeat readers.

You may be a blogger that thinks they have a pretty popular and well created blog - if so, well done. But remember every blog is a work a progress, and there is always room for improvement. Here are 5 great ways to help optimize and improve your website, and inspire new visitors to become repeat visitors:

1: Track your Internal Search Results

One of the easiest ways to gain insight into your blog and improve it is to track your internal search results. You can easily do this using Google Analytics (learn how to track this), or use this cool wordpress plugin. It’s very important to identify your top searched keywords - it helps you identify what’s popular with your visitors (write more content relating to these), and also, just as importantly, what visitors are failing to find on your blog (look for keyword searches that have zero results and create a post about them - as long as you can make it relevant to your blog). The more relevant internal search results the user finds, then the more chances of them signing up to your feed and coming back for more!

2: Reduce the Bounce Rate of your Articles

The best way to stop someone from leaving immediately after reading your blog articles (i.e. bouncing) is to expose them to as much of your blog’s great content as possible, or by getting them to sign up to your feed. And what is the best way to do this? Immediately after the visitor is done reading the blog entry they arrived at (and remember, most visitors don’t arrive at your homepage - they get deep linked in from search engines or other blogs), at the bottom of the article place prominent text links to subscribe and links to read related content ( actually does a great job of this). Just don’t fail here and bury these important links away on the right hand column, or at the bottom of your comments, like I see so often.

3: Survey and Learn from Your Website Visitors

What’s another great way to improve your blog? This one is simple, yet many blog owners don’t do it - you need gain feedback from your visitors! Simply sign up for a free survey tool like 4Q, and get to know your visitors better. It allows you to ask your visitors questions in the form of a non-obtrusive pop-up survey. Here are the 3 main questions you need to ask your visitors in order to gain insight for optimizing your blog:

* What was the reason you came to this blog?
* Did you find what you were looking for?
* What else would you like to see at this blog?

Asking these questions allows you to gain some real insight into your visitors and their needs - and remember, a blog that doesn’t meet the needs of visitors could spend all the money in the world to get new traffic, but it wouldn’t get many repeat visits (way cheaper) because the visitors aren’t finding what they want. And don’t just survey your visitors - act on what you find! It can often be very revealing…

4: Build a Community into your Blog

Want to get as many repeat visits as possible, without having to rely on RSS feeds to pull visitors back? Then build a community for your blog, and engage not only yourself with your readers, but allow your readers to engage with each other. This is particularly a great idea if you are niche blogger and you have a small but captive audience. There are a number of ways to create this community for your blog - the basic way is to setup and install ‘MyBlogLog‘ or ‘BuddyPress‘ as a widget on your blog. The more advanced way to build a community is to create a social network around your blog using Ning or KickApps. Both of these are free and allow you to fully customize, brand and create your own community, and use your own blog feed as a main ingredient of the community. Win-win situation for you and your readers!

5: Setup Goals and Begin Testing to Improve Them

Lastly, one of the most important things to remember for blogging success is to set goals and try and beat them. And for blogs, your goal is likely to get as many readers as possible. But be more specific and actionable. For example set a weekly goal for new readers, i.e. 100 new subscribers per week. Then, test elements of your website (using Google Website Optimizer) to try and improve your subscribers and reach your goals. One of the best things to test is the ‘subscription’ area, usually found to the top right of your blog - where your RSS feed links and newsletter signup form usually is. Test different calls to actions, different images and different copy. See which one drives the most goal conversions. And for the goal conversion to work, you will need to tag your thanks page with tracking code (which is easily done if you use AWeber to manager your feed readers). Here is a cool plugin to help you use Google Website Optimizer on your blog. Also, if you are selling a product or giving away something like an ebook on your blog, you can track that as a goal and test to improve sign up rates.

So there we have it. And remember, don’t ever think your blog is ‘done’ - always keep striving to improve your blog. If you don’t, before you know it, a competitor will appear out of nowhere and start stealing away your beloved visitors. For more ideas on how to help improve your blog (and websites in general), and to find ways to stop wasting so much money on online marketing, consider checking out my new free ebook all about this.

So, what are you waiting for? Use these tips and start improving your blog right now - and who knows, it may end up being as successful as ProBlogger one day

How to Optimize Your Blog for Search Engines

Search Engine Optimization 87 comments

So you’re looking to increase the profitability of your blog for the Christmas period (and beyond). You’ve optimized your AdSense, Chitika and Affiliate programs, you’ve even written a little seasonal content…. but there’s one missing element…. Traffic.

Unless you actually have people viewing your blog it is very difficult to actually earn anything from it.

So how do you drive traffic to your blog?

I’ve written quite a bit of this previously in a number of posts (for example here) but want to spend a little time talking today about Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Why SEO?

When you are looking online for information on a topic where do you go first?

While I’m sure there will be a variety of answers given to that question - the majority of average web users would answer with one word - ‘Google’.

Every day Search Engines like Google send many millions of web users to websites in their index. While there are plenty of Web 2.0 web indexing services around that are increasing in popularity - the fact is that search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN are still the biggest source of traffic to websites on the web.

As a result - learning how to be indexed and ranked well by them seems like a no brainer.

Writing for Search Engines and Humans

Some bloggers have a problem with the idea of optimizing a blog for search engines. They argue that rather than writing for search engines a blogger’s sole focus should be that they write quality content for humans.

I personally don’t see that writing for humans and search engines have to be mutually exclusive things - in my opinion both can be achieved without compromising either.

Some bloggers argue that if you write for humans that SEO looks after itself. To some extent I agree with that - if you do write quality content that others like you will find that they link up to your site (a key in SEO) - however I would argue that incoming links from other sites is just one part of climbing the rankings in Search Engines (an important part but not the only one).

There are other factors that come into play also and I believe that by knowing them and naturally incorporating them into your blogging you can increase your chances of being found by readers in Google, Yahoo and MSN.

Of course - some people become a little obsessed with SEO and forget the human reader, don’t fall for this trap and keep a balanced approach and you’ll benefit both from traffic from the search engines as well as a loyal readership who keeps coming back for more quality content.

Basic SEO tips for Bloggers

I’ve written previously on this topic so rather than writing the same thing again in a slightly different way will republish some of my previous tips below. I hope you find them useful.

Before I start - I’ll say that while I do get a lot of SE traffic that I’m not really an SEO expert (it isn’t what I devote most of my time to). If you want to read something by someone who has spent a lot more time and effort on the topic I recommend looking at an e-book by Aaron Wall - SEO Book (aff). I’ve actually been reading through it in the last few weeks (it’s been on my to do list for a long time) and have found it really helpful.

SEO experts tend to divide search engine optimization techniques into off site and on site techniques.
Off Site SEO Techniques

Off site SEO techniques are as the name suggests factors from outside the site itself (ie from other sites) that impact the blog’s ranking in search engines. Many of these factors are outside the blogger’s control - however they are useful to know. The most obvious and probably most powerful offsite factor are Inbound Links (something I’ve already referred to above).

It is generally agreed that the links that point to a website are one of the most powerful way of climbing Search Engines results pages (in fact many argue it is THE most important factor). - To put it most simply - every link to your site is seen by the search engines as being a vote of confidence in your site.

Ideally Speaking - The best inbound links have three main qualities to them:

1. they are from higher ranked sites than your own
2. they are relevant to the topic you are writing about
3. they link to you using relevant keywords to your page

Whilst you may not have complete control over who links to you these are the types of links that you should be dreaming of.

How to generate quality inbound Links?

Of course whilst most of us know this it doesn’t make getting such links any easier - its in the hands of others in many cases. So how do you get such links?

* Quality Content - There are all kinds of link generating systems out there but in my opinion the best way to get links to your blog is to write quality content that people will want to read. You can solicit links with others or sign up for different link building programs or even buy text links on other sites but the cheapest and probably safest approach is to build inbound links in a natural organic way as others link to your quality content.
* Notify Relevant Bloggers of your content - Whilst I don’t advocate spamming other bloggers and asking for links - I would recommend that if you write a quality post on a topic that you know will interest another blogger that it might be worth shooting them a short and polite email letting them know of your post. Don’t be offended if they don’t link up, but you might just find that they do and that in addition to the direct traffic that the link generates that it helps build your own page rank in the search engines (more on letting other bloggers know of your posts here).
* Directories - Another way to generating inbound links is to submit your links to directories. I know of webmasters who swear by the benefits of such a strategy - the first thing that they do when starting a new site is to do the rounds of directories - submitting links to key pages with appropriate keywords in the links. There are loads of directories out there - many of which offer a free submission. Ari Paparo has compiled a list of blog directories that you might want to start with.
* Inter-link your Blogs - Increasingly bloggers are starting or joining blog networks to enjoy the benefits of multiple sites and writers working together. One of the advantages of networks of sites is that they usually link to one another. In doing so you have complete control over how your sites are linked to from multiple domains. It is worth noting that you should be careful with this approach - if all your sites are hosted on the one server many think that Search Engines will work out what you’re doing and the impact will be lessened.
* Buy Links - Many professional web masters have a budget to purchase links from other highly ranked and and relevant sites. I won’t go into this too much here but you might like to read more about it in my recent post On Buying Text Links.
* Swap Links - Similarly many bloggers swap links with other bloggers. Sometimes this happens pretty naturally (you see someone linking to you so you link back) but in many cases the links are strategic ones and formally arranged between site owners. I get daily requests for such reciprocal links (I rarely act on them). Whilst there is some benefit in such link swapping I would again advise caution here as many SEO experts believe that the search engines have methods for tracking such strategies and devaluing the links. Some try to get around this by doing indirect or triangulated links. ie instead of site A and B doign a direct swap they involve other sites. So A links to C in exchange for D (also owned by C) linking to B (also owned by A) - makes your head hurt doesn’t it!?! There are also a variety of systems around that say they’ll take care of such interlinking for you - I know many who use Digital Point’s Free C0-Op Advertising system. Personally I tend to avoid such schemes and have a policy of linking to sites I think are valuable to my readers. If they link back then so be it.

If you’re looking for link exchange/buying/selling programs you might like to look at systems like:

- Link Adage
- Text Link Ads
- Link Worth

HubSpot's Inbound Internet Marketing Blog

HubSpot's Inbound Internet Marketing Blog

Can Having a Twitter Bio Get You 8 Times as Many Followers?

We've all heard people say "I won't follow you back if you don't have a link and bio" etc. But do people really mean it? Does having a bio and website link in your Twitter profile really make a difference in the number of followers you have? The answer is yes.

I dugg back into the data we've collected from Twitter Grader. We have a bunch of different information on over 1.6 million Twitter accounts, including bio, link and follower data.

The first "aha" moment from this slice of data is the sheer number of users without bios and links. Almost two-thirds of users don't have a bio or link listed on their Twitter profiles.

Looking at the average number of followers shows a very distinct trend. Users with a bio have over 8 times more followers on average than users without a bio and users with a link have over 7.5 times as many as users without.

Beyond sheer number of followers, power users are even less likely to follow you if you don't have a bio and link. (Power users are Twitter users with high Twitter Grades.)

Users with a bio have over 15.5 times more power followers than those without a bio. Users with a link have over 22 times more power followers than without.

And of course your Twitter Grader score is effected strongly.

The bottom line here is that if you haven't already specified a site and a bio for your Twitter profile (and lots of you haven't) go do it now.

Webinar: Twitter for Marketing and PR

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Want to learn more about using Twitter for Marketing and PR?

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Skill to write paper

I have been fortunate to attend a class on writing skill in English paper at Todai (Uni. of Tokyo). Layer for SV Todai end of the year but with my last exam ki useful. Faculty are the UK, have senior in rewriting the paper field of Informatics. Rewriting is reading and the correct paper for the author, especially the author that English is not the native language before you submit the journal, conference. Say It I learned, and even Todai INRIA, research in France also have this service.

There are things that I must wrestle each self when writing paper, for example: name stars as the title, abstract writing, introduction how to test the (tense), ... are mentioned most in this subject. I really want to share but it has learned with you because I know you also sure it has not encountered difficulties as me.

I read a very worrying emails long du issues including spicy start to go away, so to stiff-chan, I will send a small parcel in each email. Many people read email in English does not provide chan that I will write a referral in English before then new to the English original into.

Now, please begin with the story: Written in the paper?

Paper here limit again in the paper that as scientists we want to send (submit) to the conference or journal. Target when sending the paper is often publish results of research. Therefore need to do that prominent paper in which we need to publish. English called this message is clouded thesis, argument or claim.

Remember that your main aim is usually to persuade your readers of something. For this reason, a paper should be based on a thesis, or main argument. A paper that only states facts is not a good paper. You must draw some conclusions from those facts.